Aspiration of firearm projectile. A rare case in trauma
Vázquez-Minero, Juan Carlos1; Villalba-Calderón, María de Jesús2; Vera-Márquez, Carlos Daniel3; Fuentes-Gómez, Derly Emmanuel4; Aguirre-Pérez, Teresa de Jesús1
2021, Number 3
2021; 80 (3)
Gunshot wounds are now becoming more frequent as a result of urban violence. Projectile migration to the lumen of the airways is very rare and requires multidisciplinary management. This is a case of a 38-year-old woman attacked by third parties, with multiple gunshot wounds to the face and craneum that initially presents a projectile in the face, which is subsequently aspirated into the airway requiring its extraction by bronchoscopy. This type of patient requires the management of several specialties to solve the problem.
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Figura 1: A) Radiografía de tórax sin alteraciones. B) Radiografía anteroposterior de cráneo con proyectil en maxilar derecho. C) Lateral de cráneo con proyectil en maxilar.