Background and origin of epidemic
Ma Eugenia Manjarrez Zavala
During the past century, three major influenza pandemics took place leading to a devastating number of deaths. Recent spread of avian influenza A H5N1 virus to poultry and wild birds has increased the threat of human infection with H5N1 virus worldwide. The virus was first detected in China in 1996, when it killed some geese. They rapidly spread to Europe and Africa, and caused the death of thousandth of the birds and more than 100 people. The outbreak of this highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus has caused global concern over the possible evolution of a novel human strain. Health policy in most countries will then be focused on reducing morbidity and mortality, and WHO urges all countries to take actions now to assess their level of preparedness, identify priority needs and develop a national influenza preparedness plan. The success of these actions will depend on the preparations made in advance by each member of the International community.KEYWORDS
Influenza, H5N1, pandemic, respiratory viruses.REFERENCES
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