A case report: lung infection by Mycobaterium chelonae
Tanya E Orizaga Franco, Daniela de la Rosa Zamboni, Bárbara Chávez Nazari, Reina Rosas
2007, Number 3
2007; 66 (3)
Non tuberculosis mycobacterium were described, after isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Koch, clinical significance wasn’t show until 1950 when were called atypical mycobacterium, based on in vitro characteristics. Nowadays had been described big series of patients HIV (+) and (-) with pulmonary and no pulmonary illness secondary to infection for atypical mycobacterium. Pulmonary illness secondary to NTM means a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to the medical personal involved in the care of these patients. Evidence exist that prevalence of NTM like human pathogens had been increasing particularly in HIV (+) and patients with pulmonary pathology. In the United States of America the incidence of these NTM it found of 1.0-1.8 by 100,000 persons. Clinical manifestations more common are pulmonary, lymphatic, and in soft tissue, disseminated infection is possible too. In regard to these grow in incidence of illness secondary to infection of NTM, the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and the British Thoracic Society (BTS), developed and published guidelines sour diagnostic and treatment in this field.
Non tuberculosis mycobacterium, Chelonae mycobacterium, lung infection, diagnosis, treatment.
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