Martín Gutiérrez-Olvera, Beatriz Ayala Robles, Margarita Puente de Armendáriz
2009, Number 2
2009; 68 (2)
In the present work it will be analyzed, it would comment and suggestions will become, with respect to the change and evolution that have been the librarian profile in the last years old, as well as the process of adaptation to the use of the New Technologies of Information in their labor scope. In last the three decades the profile and paper of the librarian have undergone great changes, this must to the great amount of information that is generated in the denominated Society of the Information, characterized by the complexity in the new technological tools and organization of the Libraries or Information centers. The information has taken an excellent value to favor the development and innovation in the society, the management and handling of the information has become a new challenge for the librarian, whom it will have to become a new professional of the information, or a manager of the information, using a critical paper when analyzing and reorienting its functions according to the new needs which the users demand, besides the technological changes. Here it is tried to analyze as they are the main changes that the librarian who toils mainly in the area of the health and within the National Institutes of Health of the Secretary of Health, will have to develop at the moment and as they could be the strategies to consider, between these the qualification and update and, this way to fulfill this new profile of the librarian or manager of information.
Libraries in sciences of the health, medical libraries of hospital, libraries, professional, professional profile of the information, management of personnel, INsalud.
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