Education should be considered an integral part of asthma treatment; it must be individualized according to disease characteristics, age and socio-cultural condition of each person; the physicians, nurses, inhalation therapy technicians, psychologists and other specialists are responsible for this process. They must provide patients the information on the most important aspects of their disease and its association with triggers. The practical instruction in the use of inhaled medications and spacers or through a commercial spacer is essential for the use of inhaled therapy and an indication of the flowmeter in self-control and monitoring patients with asthma. The participation of the family and society is essential in the control of asthma because it can alter the lifestyle and quality of life of patients. Recently diverse civil partnerships have been formed and are involved in patient education about asthma conducting some courses for patients and their families, these courses are a great support to the physician because they enhance the information provided to the patient in the medical office.
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