Pediatric asthma: quality of life of the patient related to the family impact
Georgina Eugenia Bazán-Riverón, Remei Prat-Santaolaria, Laura Evelia Torres-Velázquez, Javier Sandoval-Navarrete, Dolors Forns-Serrallonga
2010, Number 2
2010; 69 (2)
The purpose of this study was to know the relation between asthmatic children’s quality life (QL) and their family impact in Mexican population. Participated 300 children with asthma and their caregivers, they reported the children’s age, and gender; the medical team collected patient’s affectation level and morbidity; the children’s QL and the family impact were evaluated with the questionnaires PAQLQ and IFABI-R, respectively. The Results showed that asthma has significant influence in children’s QL and their family life (average of the PAQLQ 3.37, DT = 1.13 and average of the IFABI-R = 2.45; DT = 0.71). The children perceive the main damage is in the activities limitation dimension and the caregivers perceived in the social-emotional. The rate of the PAQLQ and degree of affectation was significant (F = 2179.763; p ‹ 0.0001) and rate with morbidity showed moderated rates and low (r = -0.52 – r = -0.62 and r = -0.16 – r =-0.28; p ‹ 0.01). The PAQLQ rate was no significant in gender; the age showed that older children perceived with better QL (F = 4.866; p ‹ 0.05) and with older children, less family impact (r = -0.87; p ‹ 0.01). The children QL relation with the family impact showed high negative rates and moderates with the dimensions of the IFABI-R (r = -0.73 – r = -0.89 and r = -0.52 r = -0.61; p ‹ 0.01). We concluded: the patient and their caregivers perceive a high impact in the QL and the family life respectively, and that perception is related with the level of affectation of the asthma, morbidity and age of the patients.
Paediatric asthma, quality of life, family impact.
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