Tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus in the number two health jurisdiction of the Guerrero state. A brief communication descriptive study
Noé Sotelo Heredia, Miguel Ángel Salazar Lezama
2011, Number 3
2011; 70 (3)
To determine the relationship of co-morbidity that has TB/diabetes mellitus in a specific region of Guerrero State health jurisdiction # 2 (North Zone). Medical records were reviewed of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in such region from January 1st 2008 to December 31st 2009. Taking into account sex, age, how they were detected, among others, and the relationship of pulmonary tuberculosis patients with diabetes mellitus. There were 123 cases of tuberculosis reported in these years of which 86% were pulmonary cases (107). The average age was 48.3 years among the age groups, the most frequent (52.3%) were aged 50 and over, accounting for up to 31% of co-morbidity (33 patients). For all age groups was 26%. The time between diabetes and TB diagnosis was 8.1 years. 88.6% were classified as cured. Two deaths were reported. The relationship between pulmonary tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus is clear since there is a relationship in this revision of 26%.
Diabetes mellitus, pulmonary tuberculosis.
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