Experience on video-bronchoscopy studies for the diagnosis of tracheobronchial pathology in an endoscopy unit
José Ayala Rodríguez, Francisco Eduardo Molina Andon, Alba Selene Fujarte Victorio
2003, Number 2
2003; 62 (2)
Case history: In their new modalities (direct and indirect video-bronchoscopy), the flexible bronchoscopy has become consolidated as an elementary tool in
diagnosing tracheobronchial diseases. Materials and methods: Retrospective study carried out in the Betania Hospital of Puebla, analyzing the performing
of indirect video-bronchoscopies on 50 patients during the period going from January 1994 to March 1996. There were found no complications associated to the procedure. Conclusions: Indirect video-bronchoscopy is a useful study in tracheobronchial pathology. It was not associated to complications in the studied population.
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