A retrospective study was done about extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Medical Center "20 de Noviembre" from 1983 to 1999 in Mexico City. The purpose was to evaluate
this disease in the Social Security Government Services. Twenty four cases, 14 male and 10 female were registered. The range of ages were from 6 months to 70 years old. All patients were sent from other hospitals of the City and other states of Mexico, with different diagnosis, but none as tuberculosis. The diagnostic procedures were followed, and the localization in abdomen, the lymph nodes, the meninges and the spin were analyzed in all ages. Also in
all cases concomitants diseases were diagnosed as AIDS, malnutrition, and alcoholism. At this time, tuberculosis is present in Mexico, and it is important to think in this disease and to follow diagnostic procedures in patients with immunodeficient diseases.
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Wang HK, Hsueh PR, Hung CC, Chang SC, Luh KT, Hsieh WC. Tuberculous peritonitis: analysis of 35 cases. Chinese Journal of Microbiology & Immunology 1998; 31(2): 113-8.
Singh-Ranger D, Rockall T, Narward AH, Haldane M, Abrahams R, Mcdonald P. Abdominal tuberculosis: the problem of diagnostic delay. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 1999; 31(5): 517.
Luk KD. Tuberculosis of the spine in the new millennium. European Spine Journal 1999; 8(5): 338-45.
Pérez del Río MJ, Fresno FM, Díaz IJM, Veiga GM, Álvarez PE, Ablanedo P, et al. Intestinal tuberculosis, a difficult suspected diagnosis. Anales de Medicina Interna 1999; 16(9): 4469-72.