Extraction of airway foreign bodies in adults. Report of cases
Jennifer Escobar-Alvarado, Araceli Carrillo-Muñoz, Raúl Cicero-Sabido
2013, Number 1
2013; 72 (1)
Aspiration of foreign bodies in the airways, is rare in adults needs accurate diagnosis and opportune treatment, it must be performed by specialists. Objective: To communicate the variations in technologies of extraction in adults and to indicate recommendations to avoid delay in the diagnosis, unsuccessful attempts of extraction and complications derived from the characteristics of the foreign bodies in the short and long term. Material and method: This is an observational, retrospective study that includes eight cases of foreign body’s aspiration from January, 2009 to June, 2011, attended at the Thoracic Endoscopy Department, Pneumology Service of the General Hospital of Mexico. Results: Eight adults were studied, with average age of 40 years, and major distribution of males 5:3. Precise event of aspiration was defined in six cases. Successful extraction was performed in seven, using bronchoscopy and one case with surgical resolution (bronchotomy). Seven were performed with fiberopticbronchoscopy, three through rigid bronchoscope, in two cases it was used both devices. Three organic and five inorganic foreing bodies were found with predominance of the right side. Conclusions: The foreign bodies in the airway in adults are an emergency that can threaten the life. The clinical history is the key of the diagnosis. Bronchoscopy is indicated in every patient with suspicion of foreign body’s aspiration.
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