Clinical, blood gases, and spirometric features in patients with bronchiectasis and higher or lower than 91% oxygen
Sérgio Jamnik, Ilka Lopes Santoro, Maria Tereza Muniz Maldonado, Lúcia Ande Santos, Itamar Souza de Oliveira-Júnior
2002, Number 1
2002; 61 (1)
Objective: To analyze clinical features, personal history and spirometric values of patients with bronchiectasis, comparing those with oxygen saturation £ 91% (group I) with those having a saturation > 91% (group II). Patients and methods: We studied 102 patients, 18 in group I and 84 in group II. Results: More patients from group I presented yellowish green sputum (p = 0.024), in greater volume (p = 0.036) and morning bronchial clearance (p = 0.04), compared with patients from group II. Likewise, more patients from group I had history of measles (p = 0.033) or some childhood illness (p = 0.05). Tuberculosis occurred in fewer patients from group II (p = 0.03). Patients from group I had more infections in the last year (p = 0.021). Results from FEV1, FEV1/FVC and MVV were statistically lower in group I when compared with group II. Conclusions: Patients with lower saturation (group I) presented more intense abnormalities in blood gases and spirometric variables, probably due to a higher number of and more intense lung infections, in comparison with group II.
Bronchiectasis,, xygen saturation, spirometry.
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