In June 2000 the Clinic to Stop Smoking of ISSSTESON in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico was opened. The aim of the present study was to report our results obtained in the first two years of application of a cognitive-behavioral program with pharmacological support as needed. A total of 71 subjects, either sex, 45.9 ± 10.6 years old (X ± DE), 35 (49.3%) men, with tobacco habit of 24.7 ± 2.1 packs/year, who regularly attended the program and kept without smoking at the end of it, were included. Nicotine chewing gum (18.3%) or patches (64.8%), and anfebutamone (2.8%) were also used. Our global result at 12 months was 42% of abstinence rate, though a slightly lower result was achieved in women when adjusted by gender. Among those who did not use pharmacological support therapy, the abstinence rate was 20%. We concluded that our success rate and the features of our subjects were similar than those found in other clinics.
Tobacco habit, clinic to stop smoking, abstinence.
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Boletín Oficial número 42 del 27 de mayo de 1999. Sonora, México.
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