Broncholith as a cause of atelectasis. An unexpected bronchoscopic finding
José Luis Che Morales, Arturo Cortés-Télles, Julio Ceballos Zapata, Hirian Moshe Barrera Pérez
2013, Number 2
2013; 72 (2)
Broncholithiasis is a clinical entity with an unknown frequency. Commonly it originates from a calcified mediastinal lymph node as a response to chronic granulomatous infectious disease (i.e. tuberculosis, histoplasmosis); in remote cases, can cause endobronchial obstruction clinically detected as atelectasis. This paper shares the experience of a clinical case that has been treated as recurrent lower respiratory tract infection. The systematic diagnostic approach identified and unexpected finding that originated persistent atelectasis reason why symptoms were recurrent. This aspect can reflect on the causes of pulmonary atelectasis and how should be treated.
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