Lung function analysis during the initial evaluation of patients with asthma. Obesity effect
José Luis Che-Morales , Arturo Cortés-Télles
2013, Number 4
2013; 72 (4)
Background: The association between asthma and obesity has taken great interest in clinical investigation. In México, Yucatan ranks first in prevalence of asthma and fourth in overweight or obesity. Methods: transversal and retrospective study aimed to describe the pulmonary function during the initial evaluation of patients with asthma. In addition, we explored the effect of obesity on pulmonary function by grouping the patients based on their body mass index. Results: 258 clinical files were analyzed. The mean age was 51 years. The mean FEV1 was 77%p and it was not different among all the groups (p = 0.26). One of every five spirometries are under normal values during the initial evaluation. Among all spirometries with an obstructive pattern, 47% were classified with mild obstruction. We documented an inverse relationship among the lung volumes measured on FVC and FEV1 with body mass index, nevertheless, it was not relevant taking in count the percent of predicted values. Conclusions: during the initial evaluation of patients with a diagnosis of asthma, the FEV1 was 77%p. In addition, 20% have normal lung function. Obesity does not contribute on deterioration of airway obstruction in the asthmatic patients.
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