Plasmocytoma of the sternum: a case report of a sternal reconstruction with a biologic mesh and titanium bars
Arévalo-Zamora, Caterin; Remolina-Medina, Carlos Emilio; Borraez-Segura, Bernardo Alonso
2015, Number 4
2015; 74 (4)
A patient with a chest wall pathology is treated with primary surgical resection and good long-term results. A case of a 55 year old with a sternal plasmacytoma, treated with surgical resection of the lesion requiring reconstruction of the chest wall with biological mesh pig dermis and titanium bars. There are no studies documenting a consensus of what should be the correct treatment for solitary bone plasmacytoma: surgery or radiotherapy. Any of these treatments, single or combined, are valid. For reconstruction after resection, novel approaches made with anatomically correct materials, being ensure to use the proper technique, minimizing complications and establishing an adequate quality of life.
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