González-González, Eloisa; Fernández-Vega, Margarita; González-Salinas, Consuelo; Hernández-Zenteno, Rafael de Jesús
2016, Number 3
2016; 75 (3)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the most relevant cause of respiratory problems with a high social-economic impact in the world. Despite being a preventable disease and have an early diagnosis method, there is evidence of underdiagnosis and undertreatment. Objective: To determine the adherence to the recommendations of a COPD Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) by primary care physicians at a primary care clinic. Material and methods: Descriptive and comparative, cross-sectional and ambispective study, of medical records of patients with confirmed COPD from 2014 to 2015. Each medical history and medical note was compared with the CPG recommendations; for the statistical analysis, descriptive and comparative methods were obtained for each recommendation. Results: 32 medical notes were analyzed; family medicine residents met 49.6% of the recommendations; staff family medicine specialist followed 33.2% of the recommendations and staff general practitioners 31.6%. Conclusion: There is a low adherence to the GPC. This low adherence was observed at most of the recommendations. It was demostrated different percentages of adherence according to physician profile.
Guidelines, COPD, primary care.
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