Mexican Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery: From a great past to a better future
Vázquez-García, Juan Carlos
2017, Number 2
2017; 76 (2)
The Mexican Respiratory Society of Pulmonary Medicine and Thoracic Surgery, SMNyCT, was instituted on March 15th, 1939. The original name was Mexican Society of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases and its foundational aims were the study of tuberculosis and respiratory disease and the professional collaboration with national and international common organizations. Under the leadership of 39 presidencies and throughout almost 80 years of existence, it has been an outstanding society with national and international presence and collaboration. The journal Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax or NCT, formerly Revista Mexicana de Tuberculosis, the official publication of the Society, has been continually edited since 1939. The first congress, I National Congress of Tuberculosis and Silicosis was carried out in Mexico City, on July 23-29, 1944. Currently, a total of 76 congresses have been organized and it is one of the greatest meetings in respiratory medicine in the Spanish speaking countries. In the year 2016, major official changes in the constitution of the Society were approved by its General Assembly. Certainly, members of our society and its organizational structure, professional and scientific, ensure a world-class society that honors its history and guarantee our vision and mission.
Professional societies, respiratory medicine, pulmonologist, thoracic surgery.
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