Introduction: acquired tracheoesophageal fistula (ATEF) in children is caused by aspiration of foreign bodies and caustic ingestion, iatrogenic causes induced by an intraesophageal stent are unusual but are always severe defects with high mortality and morbidity, due to their severity resection of large tracheal extensions in children are not surgically feasible. Case description: 11-year-old male adolescent with placement of an intraesophageal stent due to caustic stenosis with dysphagia and bronchopulmonary suppuration. Esophagography and tomography confirmed large-scale ATEF and bronchoscopy showed destruction of the membranous trachea with impossibility of extracting it, systemic and local conditions improved and by right thoracotomy, the stent is removed by esophagotomy and the esophageal wall is used to form a membranous tracheoplasty with a double esophageal patch without tracheal resection, the integrity of the tracheoplasty is corroborated by bronchoscopy and the aerodigestive tract is restored with a subsequent method esophageal replacement. Conclusion: the reconstruction technique by membranous tracheoplasty with a double esophageal patch is a safe and effective surgical method in the multidisciplinary management of severe ATEF.
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Figura 1:A) Radiología torácica con presencia de stent intratorácico y esofagograma con cabo esofágico proximal ciego. B) Tomografía a nivel superior con fístula traqueoesofágica adquirida por presencia de stent intraesofágico y exclusión total de la tráquea membranosa por migración del stent hacia la tráquea cartilaginosa. C) Tomografía a nivel inferior con exclusión total del esófago y presencia de bronquiectasias en lóbulo inferior izquierdo. D) Broncoscopia con exposición del stent metálico intraesofágico dentro de la tráquea, destrucción radical de la tráquea membranosa y supuración broncopulmonar.
Figura 2:A) Exposición del stent posterior a esófago, miotomía longitudinal. B) Fístula traqueoesofágica adquirida severa posterior a retiro del stent intraesofágico, extensión gráfica del defecto desde la tráquea torácica hasta la carina. C) Plastía en primer plano anastomosando el flap corto (Fc) esofágico con mucosectomía a la tráquea cartilaginosa (TC). D) Primer plano de la traqueoplastía membranosa finalizada. E) Flap largo (FL) cubriendo el segundo plano de la traqueoplastía membranosa. F) Traqueoplastía membranosa bajo visión endoscópica final.