Cost-effectiveness of tiotropium bromide in the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Álvaro Javier Idrovo-Velandia, Gabriela Vega-Hernández, Ruth E Rivas-Bocanegra, León Zapata-Sánchez
2007, Number 2
2007; 66 (2)
Introduction: In the last decades chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has an increasing occurrence in Mexico, making it an important area of expenditure for the health sector. As control of exacerbations are a keystone from the clinical and economic point of view, it’s important to evaluate the anticholinergics to define which is the most cost-effective. Material and methods: A Markov model was developed with a time horizon of 1 year. The main health outcome measure was the number of exacerbations prevented for both tiotropium and ipratropium which was 65 and 54% respectively, based on a clinical trial. Cost were estimated using institutional (IMSS) prices and considering: diagnosis, ambulatory treatment and mild, moderate or severe exacerbation’s treatment. Results: Tiotropium is a dominant therapy for the treatment of COPD having a higher effectiveness and lower average costs incurred. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio shows a saving $7,180 mxp with tiotropium. Conclusions: Tiotropium clearly shows clinical and economic benefit reducing costs of treatment for patients with COPD and improving health outcomes.
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