Systematic etiologic study of a population of patients with pulmonary hypertension
Raquel Ridruejo, Isaac Pascual, Pedro Serrano, Miguel Ángel Suárez, Begoña Zalba, Beatriz Puisac, María Pilar Ribate
2009, Number 2
2009; 68 (2)
Pulmonary hypertension (PHT) is an unusual and unknown illness but with high morbi-mortality. It shown different etiology and comorbidity so it’s studied by many specialities, this is a reason for existing experts about this pathology and a lot of complementary test for doing a correct diagnosis. We suggest a systematic study, following the actual practical clinical guidelines, about patients less than 75 years old with severe PHT (PBPS › 60 mmHg) with echocardiography from January 1995 through August 2007 in area 3 of Aragones Health Service. We compiled 58 cases of severe PHT with suspected diagnosis based only in clinical details. Later we realize tests recommended in guidelines and in a second interview we report the results and give them a definitive diagnosis if we would have achieved it. In 54 patients we had a final diagnosis (93.1%) and it wasn’t possible in 4 (6.9%). In 42 cases (70.7%) was confirmed the initial suspect, but in 17 patients (29.3%) the final diagnosis was different than the initial. The more frequent etiology was PHT associated to left heart illness, mainly valve disease in 50% of them.
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