Objective: Increasing awareness of the harmful effects of tobacco and decrease the intention of approaching the same in students of 5th and 6th grade. Material and methods: Quasi-experimental study was conducted with recreational education with students from four federal level elementary schools from Guerrero, Jalisco, Morelos and Sonora; during March to July 2008.
A questionnaire with 13 reagents was applied directed to investigate smoking, alcohol and other student´s own addictions, family members and the group and social context in which the child develops. The questionnaire was applied at the beginning and end of the study. The educational intervention was based on the theoretical basis of constructivism and carried out 12 educational sessions taught by a health professional, one hour once a week. Results: Between 1.2 and 3.9% of children currently smoke. With Educational intervention, the intention of the students in the future smoking declined between 6 and 12%. Within the family of the students, parents and uncles are most likely to smoke. Between 6 and 27% of children is close to a relative addicted to cigarettes.
Although many studies recommend intervention at 5 and 6th grade level, by the severity of the problem will have to intervene at earlier ages.
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