Volcanic ashes, gases and the respiratory health
Martha Patricia Sierra Vargas
The respiratory effects derived from volcanic ash precipitation, have been documented worldwide. Epidemiological studies indicate that the effects are transitory and reversible; but toxicological and molecular biology studies show alterations at biochemical and molecular level related to adsorbed compounds on ashes, many of them are known to be soluble and can pass through the alveolocapilar membrane and cause biomolecular damage and their clinical expression could take years to be evident. It is convenient to extend the studies at this level in healthy as well as in people suffering from chronic-degenerative diseases living in highly exposed communities.KEYWORDS
Volcanic ashes, respiratory health, exposure, PM10, toxicity.REFERENCES
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Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares. Dirección General de Salud Ambiental. Gobierno Federal. Caracterización de materia particulada aeroportada asociada a la actividad del volcán Popocatépetl (verano de 1997). Informe técnico final. Gerencia de Ciencias Ambientales, Departamento de Estudios del Ambiente. México: 1997.