Towards a preventive and primary care program in lung disease
Rogelio Pérez-Padilla
2012, Number 3
2012; 71 (3)
We describe a program designed for the primary care of respiratory diseases, based on the Practical Approach to Lung Diseases (PAL) from the World Health Organization. It is based on a syndromic approach to the most common respiratory diseases, both acute and chronic: asthma, COPD, acute upper respiratory infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, smoking and sleep apnea, avoiding programs based on only one disease. It is centered on primary care, reinforcing its key role in the health system, both for caring of the sick, but also for health promotion and prevention. According to the experience from other countries the program can reduce or solve some common problems in the primary care of respiratory diseases: abuse of antibiotics for viral diseases, excessive referral to second or third level care, lack of use of inhaled corticosteroids in asthma, spirometric diagnosis of COPD, poor detection of tuberculosis, and in addition reinforces capacitation and resolutive capacity of primary care.
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