Endoscopic treatment of subacute subglottic stenosis by mean of the use from endotrachealsplint of Freitag type (dynamic stent)
José Ayala-Rodríguez, Pascual Estrada-Estrada, Carlos Núñez-Pérez-Redondo
2002, Number 2
2002; 61 (2)
The case of a 42 years old female patient is presented. She had had a benign subglottic stenosis due to prolonged tracheal intubation and large tracheotomy that required surgical closure of the tracheostoma, with the subsequent development of a stenotic area involving from the third to the fifth tracheal rings. The initial functional evaluation with a complete flow-volume loop showed fixed obstruction of extrathoracic airways. Stenosis was resected endoscopically with electrocautery and a Montgomery T stent was applied for 6 months, changing it for a Freitag stent for 3 more months so the tracheostoma could seal. Once this stent was retired, a normal re-epithelization and 80% airway lumen with no malacia were observed. The final flow-volume loop showed a variable obstruction of extrathoracic airways with improvement of forced vital capacity and expiratory flows.
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