In 2004, National Institute of Respiratory Diseases joined a working group formed by a medical specialist and educator who developed an instructional script called thoraco-pulmonary physical examination. Later, a team of the same institute specialized in audiovisual production and graphic design, were commissioned to design the production and animation of a video (interactive: http: // The video is aimed at medical students, professionals and related medical specialists. Its pedagogical foundation is based on the theories of behavioral, cognitive and constructivist learning, considering that interactive audiovideos for teaching not only contribute to the learning of students enrolled in distance learning, but can also be part of the supporting materials in classroom and postgraduate training courses, as they provide professional medical items for update on fundamental practice maneuvers in medicine, in this case, physical examination of the chest as part of the approach to the diagnosis of respiratory diseases. To achieve this goal we described in the video the lines and regions of the thorax, and the stages of physical examination: inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.
Physical examination of the chest, teaching, learning, audiovideo, lines, regions, inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation, thorax.
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