Current strategies in the management of airway secretions
Cortes-Telles, Arturo , Che-Morales, José Luis , Ortiz-Farías, Diana Lizbeth
Cortes-Telles, Arturo , Che-Morales, José Luis , Ortiz-Farías, Diana Lizbeth
Increased mucus production is common in patients with respiratory diseases, also in the general population as a result of exposure to irritating particles and infections. An increase in the amount of mucus in the respiratory airway contributes to the deterioration of mucociliary clearance, promotes muco-stasis and, potentially, obstruction of the airway. The continuous accumulation of mucus compromise work of breathing with significant energy expenditure, negatively affecting the quality of life. Research on the benefits of interventions used to control mucus overproduction is scarce. The purpose of this review is to describe the different measures (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) that currently exist for the management of airway secretions.KEYWORDS
Mucoactive agents, mucociliary clearance, mechanical devices, aerosol therapy, cough mechanism.REFERENCES
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