Asthma control, clinical and epidemiological characteristics in Panama. (CASPAN: Control del asma en Panamá)
Brid-Carrera, Edgardo; Perea-Zorrilla, Tarsicio
2020, Number 3
2020; 79 (3)
Introduction: In the world, adequate asthma control has not been achieved; this being one of the main objectives of the treatment. Objectives: Describe asthma control, clinical and epidemiological characteristics in Panama. Material and methods: Observational study through the application of a survey in the outpatient consultation room of the pulmonology department in a 3rd level hospital from January to March 2019. Results: 97 patients, average age: 57 years (SD 12.9), female 77%. Asthma control: uncontrolled 52%, partially controlled 40%, fully controlled 8%. Bad adherence to inhalers 54%. Bad inhalation technique 25%. They referred one or more urgent visits for asthma last year: 51%, hospitalizations 7%. Comorbidities associated with poor asthma control: former smoker 16%, active smoker 1%, obesity 51%, allergic rhinitis 35%, gastroesophageal reflux 38%, depression 2%. Frequency of household factors associated with poor asthma control: 72% dust, 61% disinfectants, 55% aerosols, 48% pets. We only found a significant difference for uncontrolled asthma in the presence of allergic rhinitis, poor inhalation technique and greater use of healthcare resources. Conclusion: Asthma control was similar to reports in Latin America, keeping poorly controlled at more than 50%.
Asthma control, asthma control test, Latin American population, therapeutic adherence.
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